Last Tuesday

Last Tuesday Constable Ben came to Rutherford Junior High School to tell us about his job and just anything that involves him. He mostly told us about his equipment and everything he does on a daily. The thing that I found interesting was his vest. It was SOOOOO heavy I couldn’t believe it. After that we went outside into the car park to see the police car. I was first inside the car. I looked around curiously asking a whole lot of questions. Constable Ben answered most of my questions but some I think he didn’t hear me. After that we went back into class to do more work.

3 thoughts on “Last Tuesday

  1. Great Blog post Kopere about the things that made you curious as you were learning about the police.

    1. Thank you Mels Brandon, I find police work quite interesting, In fact i want to be a cop when i grow up.

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